Tuesday, December 8, 2009


So we have had quite a few after surgery complications. My husband has spent 10 days and 9 nights in KGH spread out over a 4 week period. He just met with his surgeon this morning to schedule the take down (as they call it). Due to the intestines twisting and obstructions he will be having the take down 2 months sooner than planned. They like to give the internal pouch that they constructed at least 3 months to heal and before reconnecting the plumbing. But because he has been having so many issues that land him dehydrated, malnourished, in unbearable pain and in the ER, we want to try and stop that from happening. So surgery will either be this Thursday Dec 10th or next Thursday Dec 17th. Wow. I think I had an easier time with the first one, the thought of surgery again so soon makes my heart drop into my stomach. He has been through so much, he has not has a chance to regain any weight or even energy. To think of him having to fast again for another 3-5 days in not thrilling by any means.

No matter how many times you end up in the hospital there are parts that just don't get any easier. Yes, you figure out a schedule that works. You learn the best lunches and suppers to pack, you know how much money you need for parking during the week or on weekends. You get used to sleeping alone, and waking up alone. Making meals for one, how to stay some what entertained in the hospital. You learn to enjoy simple things, like a cup of coffee and a quite read at 6:00 the morning. But there are some things that you never get used to, like seeing the person you love more than anything in the world in so much pain they are crying, or vomiting, or seeing his slender frame pale in a baby blue hospital gown. You never get used to the feeling of helplessness. Even the smell of when you first walk in a hospital, it still makes my stomach turn a bit every time.

Anyway, the hope is that they will go in though the stoma opening (the place where the intestine is outside of his body) and reconnect everything, if the scar tissue that has been causing problems is located near the opening then they can cut it free and sew everything up, very small and relatively painlessly. But if the problem if further in and he has the same problems again after the reversal then they will have to re cut open the 12" incision they made to remove the colon originally, which means another long and painful recovery while the muscles have to heal all over again. We are praying that the latter option will not be the case. Please pray with me.
These are the requests:
The earlier surgery: so I can have my husband home and relatively functional for Christmas.
That the problem is located near the stoma: so that a simple less painful surgery will solve the problem.
That my dear husband will have physical strength as well as spiritual & emotional strength, through this exhausting process.
That I would be the encouraging supportive wife that God wants me to be physically, emotionally and spiritually strong. That I would not depend on my own strength but Gods!


  1. It's hard for me to relate to what you and Matt have been going through, but I'm praying. My heart is with you two. I wish I could be there to support you, but atleast I know Jesus is with you, and for that reseaon I rejoice. I love you friend

  2. Praying for all you shared! I am so sorry you have to go through this, I'm thankful you are close to the Lord - I've learned so much that staying there is the only place that will get me through my days. It's encouraging to read your blogs, you are an amazing wife, Matt is blessed to have you!

  3. Awe, wow! Thanks so much for the encouragement & prayers, I definitely need it ;)
